Shopify business name generator

create your own business name and slogan for your Shopify shop

business name for your Shopify shop

Create a business name for your Shopify shop

Conjure a business name that spells success in the Shopify marketplace. Our name generator helps you pin down a name that's memorable, SEO-friendly, and descriptive of the unique products or services your store provides.

Harvest a name that can grow with your business — a title that reflects the dynamism of e-commerce and the personal touch of your brand. Whether it's catchy, classic, or creative, ensure it resonates with your target audience.

Choose a shop name that invites clicks and conversions, one that stands out amid the vast digital marketplace. It should encapsulate your core offering and brand promise, beckoning online shoppers with the allure of something special.

Craft your Shopify store's name with the same precision and care you'd apply to curating your online inventory. Let it be both a label and a beacon — a clear signal of the kind of quality and service that awaits within.

Select a business name that’s as innovative and user-friendly as the Shopify experience you provide. From our pool of potential names, pick one that turns first-time visitors into repeat customers and solidifies your brand's online presence.

How to create a business name for your Shopify shop

Our AI business name generator will create a great name and slogan for your company in 3 simple steps. Here's how it works:

Create your shopify business name in 3 easy steps

Our free business name generator creates your names and slogan instantly. This is how it works:

1Type your Shopify company name

Create your business name ideas by filling in your company name.

2Review generated Shopify names and slogans

Our AI business name generator will now create lots of shopify company names.

3Convert your name to a Shopify logo

After you've selected your favorite Shopify company name, you can now optionally create a logo out of it. Our Shopify logo tool is used all around the world to design the best logos for your Shopify shop.

Frequently asked questions about the Shopify business name generator

Be sure to create the best name and slogan for your Shopify shop

Do you already have a business name?

Great! You can use My Brand New Logo to create a logo for your business. A logo is a great way to make a lasting impression on your customers.

Make a Shopify logo

A professional business name for everyone

Discover more business name generators

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      Hi! I'm the AI of My Brand New Logo, here to help. I can help you create a logo or a name for your company. You can ask me anything :) These are some example questions:

      show some logo examples for a cake shop

      create 3 company names and slogans for a dog walking service

      show logo examples for my company 'Mega Sushi Delight'